“Can you see me?” I sometimes have to ask.
This was a very different window display contract for me. Normally I stand out in the scene I am modeling in and have no doubt. But here it seems I blend into the surrounding buildings reflected in the window. Please let me know if you have the time to comment.
A little background about “me.”
My dad was an engineer with a firm that had us moving city to city (in the U.S. and internationally) every three years. English is my primary language but to fit in at the various schools I attended abroad I learned French, Spanish and German (not as fluent in German but enough to get by.)
Wallflower is not an adjective anyone I know would use to describe me. All the exposure and stimulation that enveloped my world helped me to thrive. I enjoyed the differences of cultures that I encountered and it made me respectful of those differences. I became extremely weary of travelers who did not show the respect for the people in the country they were there to visit. This perception I formed when I was younger brought me to the UN in New York City as a translator part-time. Modeling is the other part-time job I have. Together, both jobs seem to balance my life perfectly.