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An Unlikely Story

Tamarind was named after a tree. A tree indigenous to tropical Africa (8,000 miles from the New York hospital where she was born.) You may be asking yourself about now “what were they thinking or not thinking?“when making this very important decision.

Just a little background about the tree. It is quite amazing because every part of it is purposeful. The edible fruit is used in cuisines and medicines around the world while the wood is good for carpentry.

Tamarind’s parents are both Botanists and met while studying in Africa standing under the very tree being discussed here. They fell deeply in love and decided to start their family life together back in the United States.

John got a professorship at Cornell University teaching Botany and Elli decided to be a stay at home mom once their baby girl was born.

Nine months was sneaking up on them quickly and they seriously had to choose a name. After days going back and forth with their reasons for the suggestions each made it hit both of them as if a branch of the Tamarind tree reached across those 8,000 miles to remind them of where and how their life came alive. It was decided there and then. That is how & why this precious girl received the name of a tree and she would stand tall whenever her name was called.