
Hats! Tawnee’s signature.

All kinds, with or without brims, unisex, men’s, women’s, embellished, plain, straw, felt. Should I continue? I could you know.

Her studio apartment on Avenue A (previously referred to as the notorious Alphabet City section of NY) is decorated with hats. No hat will meet its end in the incinerator or garbage bag.

When a hat has reached the end of it’s wearability, Tawnee uses every part of that dearly departed chapeau and repurposes it into a decorative accessory. It could turn into a pillow for her couch, or a quilt for her bed when enough scraps accumulate. It can even end up part of a new hat or fashion wearable.

She was promised the very hat she was asked to wear in this spring 2015 display at Bergdorf Goodman in support of her passion.



